It’s Necessary To Be Born Again
To be a Christian something has to happen in your life. One is not born a Christian. According to the Word of God one is born a sinner, separated from God. We have all sinned and, in that state, we are separated from the glory of God. Moreover, the payment of our sins is death, that is, eternal separation from God. But don't become discouraged, there is hope. There is a path that leads to eternal life. That's what I want to talk to you about.
One night a man named Nicodemus went in search of Jesus Christ. He was a leading, religious, important, recognized, and sincere man. He had heard about Christ and was sure he had come from God and wanted to know more. Before he could ask the Lord anything, Christ told him something that confused him. Christ told him that whoever is not born again cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus did not understand, he thought that he was talking about natural birth, that is, that he had to return to his mother's womb and be born again. Of course, that is not possible. Christ explained to him that everyone is born of human parents but God's children are only born of the Spirit.
Let us remember what God said to Adam in the Garden of Eden: "But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for the day you eat of it, you shall surely die." When Adam sinned, he died. It was not only the beginning of physical death but it was also an instant spiritual death. Because of disobedience, which is sin, came the separation of man and God. Where man was once united to God, he was now obligated to live apart from Him. This gap can only be closed by fulfilling the payment of sin, death.
That is why Christ came into the world, as the sacrifice of love for our sins.
God loved us so much that He sent His only son to take our place on the cross and thus pay the debt for us.
He died once and for all so that we would not have to die eternally. And He rose from the dead overcoming death and today he offers us life. That life is the one that changes us completely. But how?
God's Word explains to us that "all who receive Jesus Christ, those who believe in His name, He gives them the power to be made children of God" (John 1:12). God loves us and provides the way of salvation, but it does not apply to our account until we take the step of faith. Exactly how He makes us His children no one knows, except for God, but the steps to follow are quite clear.
The first thing you should do is admit your spiritual need, recognizing that you are a sinner.
Second, you must repent of your sins. That means you must agree with God and what He says about your sin and have the purpose of forsaking your sin.
Third, you must believe that Jesus Christ is who He claims to be, that He died for you, and trust Him.
Finally, you must receive Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord of your life. The decision is ours, whether we accept or reject His love and forgiveness.
You must be born again. Therefore, if you have not already done so, I invite you to receive Christ as your Lord and thus begin a new life in Him. As the scriptures say, "So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold, all are made new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Today is the day for a clean slate. Do not miss this great opportunity and say YES to Christ and He will make you a child of God, and you can begin to walk as a true Christian and disciple of Christ.