Leadership Formation Through Followership
Jesus said: Follow me.
At the heart of my personal leadership formation is the focus on knowing, loving, and following Jesus Christ in such a way that I am transformed into His image, therefore becoming and leading more like Him. Following Jesus Christ and His example is vital “for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). The outflow of this followership will be godly leadership.
An important aspect of the apostle Paul’s leadership is his followership. Paul followed Christ and clearly encouraged people to follow him as he followed Christ. Therefore, it is no surprise that Paul would write to the Philippians (2:1-11) about the importance of being like Christ. From this passage, we learn essential leadership principles.
Paul begins this passage by implying the benefits of being “in Christ,” such as encouragement, consolation of love, the fellowship of the Spirit, affection, and compassion. He also sets the groundwork for following Christ Jesus’ example by calling the believers to remember that they are one “in Christ” and, therefore, should have the mind of Christ. They should be one in love, spirit, and mind.
Following Christ’s love and unity are fundamental to leadership.
In verses 3 and 4, He adds a few more “dos and don’ts.” The admonition to “do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit” speaks to their motivation or heart condition. They are to check their motives before acting upon them. He concludes this section by asking them to be humble, regarding others more important than themselves, not merely looking out for their own interests but also for the interests of others. These instructions were well illustrated by the life of Christ and worthy to be followed.
Paul then tells the Philippians to have the same attitude or mind as Christ Jesus. Paul wants them mentally disposed to think the same way as Jesus. Even though Jesus maintained the form of God, He was not mentally disposed to think His equality with God was a prize or treasure to be held fast and used for His own advantage.
Christ emptied Himself when He became a man and chose to live His life as a bondservant, surrendering His rights and will to the Father. He set aside His divine prerogatives when He took the form of a man. His choice to become a bondservant was an act of love, which He demonstrated by a life of complete obedience no matter the cost. Christ showed us the best way to lead; is by becoming a servant of God and serving others. His selfless example is one that Paul desires his readers to follow, even if it means taking up the cross to follow Him.
This passage informs us that the sovereign God is a loving God interested in others’ well-being. He is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, doing whatever it takes within His character and will to make sure the needs of others are taken care of. His approach as a servant-leader demonstrates His choice of leadership style. He could have “lorded over us,” imposing His power and control, but instead, He chose to empty Himself and serve us. He did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.
His example informs us that being a servant is the most excellent form of leadership, the most significant way of helping people, and the lifestyle that leads to the most meaningful rewards.
There is much to be learned about humility in leadership from a God who humbled Himself but did not ‘lessen’ Himself. Sometimes we confuse humiliation with humility. We think that if we surrender our rights and live as lowly servants, we are somehow less of a person and powerless. That is far from the truth that Jesus demonstrated in His life. In reality, those who humble themselves will be lifted up. No one is greater than his master, so if Christ lived as a servant, I must also live as a servant, setting aside my rights and following His example.